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Harold Burson: relazioni pubbliche troppo importanti per essere lasciate ai relatori pubblici?


Ecco l'invito a una delle serate più memorabili del 2004. Beato chi ci vorrà andare….

Relazioni pubbliche ormai troppo importanti da lasciare ai soli professionisti? Grande attesa per l'intervento di Harold Burson a Londra il 20 Ottobre"Has public relations become too important to be left to the professionals?"  That question will be explored by public relations legend Harold Burson at the Institute for Public Relations Research and Education's International Distinguished Lecture and Dinner. The lecture will take place Wednesday, October 20, at One Whitehall Place, Westminster, London, beginning at 6:30 p.m.Burson, founder and CEO of Burson-Marsteller, has been described by PRWeek as the 20th Century's most influential public relations professional.  His lecture will trace the evolutionary role of public relations as a corporate management discipline.  He will reinforce a concept articulated more than a half century ago by another legend, AT&T's Arthur W. Page, who said that public relations must be practiced not only by the public relations department but also by every employee who interfaces with a corporate stakeholder. Tickets and tables for the event can be purchased by calling the Institute at +1 352-392-0280, or by visiting the website, www.instituteforpr.com.  Tickets are £150 ($275) each, or £1,500 ($2,750) for a table of 10, and include cocktail reception, dinner and lecture
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