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Corporate Global Communications: il rapporto di Research and Markets


Pubblichiamo l'invito alla lettura di Amy Cole, Senior Manager di Research and Markets.

Globalization is a fact of life for most medium and large companies and willbecome a major consideration even for small firms as Internet technologycomprises an ever more critical component of standard corporatecommunications.
Our Corporate Global Communications report serves as a comprehensive guide to the new reality of global communications. It covers the global business models, diversity, global stakeholder relations, global branding, technology and customer service. It also offers latest data, engaging case studies and detailed media profiles.
For a complete index of this report click onhttp://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c11201
Report Index:Chapter 1: Globalization: An OverviewChapter 2: The Challenges of Global CommunicationsChapter 3: The Global Business ModelChapter 4: Global Budgets, Structure and StaffingChapter 5: The New Role for the Global CommunicatorChapter 6: Diversity: A Global ImperativeChapter 7: Global Media RelationsChapter 8: Global BrandingChapter 9: Internal Communications on a Global BasisChapter 10: Community Relations on a Global ScaleChapter 11: Globalizing the Ethics ProgramChapter 12: Global Investor RelationsChapter 13: Global Mergers and AcquisitionsChapter 14: Global Crisis Communications in a New EraChapter 15: Global ActivismChapter 16: Corporate Leadership for Global ResultsChapter 17: Global Trade IssuesChapter 18: Global Public Affairs and Government RelationsChapter 19: Global Customer ServiceChapter 20: Technology for Corporate Communicators
Report Pricing:Hard Copy   EUR 423ORDERING - FOUR EASY WAYS TO PLACE YOUR ORDER:Order online: To order this report please click onhttp://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c11201Order via email: mailto:orders@researchandmarkets.comOrder via fax-back form: Click onhttp://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c11201 Fax to +353 1 4100 980Order via post: Click on http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c11201Mail to Research and Markets Ltd., Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8,Ireland
Thank you for your consideration.Kind Regards,Amy ColeSenior ManagerResearch and Markets Ltdamy.cole@researchandmarkets.com
Report Data Summary:Corporate Global CommunicationsDate Published: 5/26/2004Number of Pages: 280Category: BusinessURL: www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c11201
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