Ricercatori e docenti europei in grande movimento
Ecco la newsletter di dicembre di Euprera con l'annuncio di tanti appuntamenti di grande interesse per studiosi, ricercatori, studenti e professionisti consapevoli
Dear EUPRERA Member:A December round up for you: ...message from the 2005 EUPRERA President... focus on conferences... call for papers... focus on education... focus on research... member news... new books...
Euprera had a fantastic 2005 with an excellent conference in Lisbon and good discussions about its strategy.We welcomed many new members and are being challenged to strengthen this unique network beyond meetings at the Euprera and associated Conferences such as Bledcom and the Blog Symposium.A complete new website will be launched in the course of January and supported by a cross media designer and web-technician so that it's up-to-date and serving the many needs of Euprera. The main innovation comes through the adoption of a new Content Management System which will facilitate the members to easily exchange content without needing a webmaster's support. The design will be clean and crisp and the site easy to navigate.Rests me to thank all the members including the board for their enthusiasm and I'm very confident that Betteke van Ruler will continue to help Euprera to develop further.Season's Greetings!
Eric Koper
Focus on Conferences and Events
CALL FOR PAPERSCall for papers until Dec 31st: EUPRERA EuroBlog 2006 Symposium in Stuttgart (16-18 March, 2006)On March 16th to 18th, 2006, the first European symposium on Public Relations, Social Software and Weblogs will take place in Stuttgart, Germany.This international meeting brings together researchers from all over Europe to explore the challenges and chances of truly interactive technologies characterizing the "google world" weblogs, podcasts, wikis, real simple syndication, folksomonies, social tagging, personal networks and other types of social software and services. It expands the insights of EuroBlog 2006, a quantitative survey on the usage of Weblogs by European PR professionals whose results will be published in early 2006.
The symposium is organised by Euprera, which comprises academics from more than 30 countries, together with MFG Baden-Wuerttemberg, the state's centre of Excellence for Information Technology and Media. It is sponsored by Observer, the world's largest, publicly traded media intelligence firm.It will be an intensive workshop with new concepts, case studies, best-practices and empirical insights from different countries and markets. In order to stimulate discussion there will be a mix of about 10 to 15 presentations and moderated debates. We have place for up to 30 participants. There will be opportunities to share ideas and to discuss joint follow-up initiatives on an international and interdisciplinary level - i.e. with the Euprera Board of Directors, who will meet along with the symposium.Please visit www.euroblog2006.org/symposium and consider submitting a paper or registering as a participant for the symposium. Places are limited and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Call for Papers:Researchers who would like to present empirical findings, theoretical insights or case studies are encouraged to send an abstract (2 pages) which contains author(s) and affiliation, title, theoretical/empirical principles, main findings, and implications for further research to the organizers (mail to: symposium@euroblog2006.org) no later than December 31st, 2005.
Papers that combine public relations theory or communication / marketing theory and social software or focus on an international perspective are especially welcome. The papers will be reviewed by the programme committee and a feedback will be given by January 15th, 2006.Presentations must not exceed 15-20 minutes and may incorporate power point charts or online demos. The organisers plan to publish a book containing full versions of the papers presented plus additional articles and results of the EuroBlog 2006 survey run by EUPRERA. More information will be given to participants in time.The conference fee is 50.- EUR for presenters and participants from academia and 220.- EUR for all other participants. It includes coffee & beverages during the workshop, lunch on Friday/Saturday, and a sightseeing tour on Saturday. Special rates are available at a hotel nearby the conference venue. Stuttgart, the capital of the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg in Southwest Germany, is an attractive place to meet.There are scheduled non-stop flights to 30 countries and 92 destinations.
For more details contact the website or Dr Ansgar Zerfass at symposium@euroblog2006.org
More details (pdf files) can be accessed by going to: http://euprera.eprn.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=153&PN=1&TPN=1
Call for Papers
Strategic Communication in a Multi-Cultural ContextThe 8th Annual EUPRERA Congress in collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire 6-9 September 2006, Carlisle (UCLan at Carlisle Campus), Lake District, United KingdomEarly Call for papers: Final papers should be submitted before 15 April 2006, and e-mailed to 2006@euprera.orgConference language: English only
We invite all interested colleagues and welcome the submission of papers for the 2006 EUPRERA Annual Conference.
Strategic Communication in a Multi-Cultural Context Key issuesStrategic Communication is concerned with communication planning which could be perceived as a management function. Besides the management and organisational culture and/or national/international cultural perspectives we are currently also exploring critical perspectives from different academic foundations such as sociology, psychology and philosophy on these issues. The sub-themes will thus most likely cover areas such as:
Sub-theme 1: Management perspectives on strategic communicationa) in organisational contextsb) in national and international cultural contexts
Sub-theme 2: Stakeholder perspectives on strategic communicationa) in different national and international cultural contexts
Sub-theme 3: Organisation - Public Relationshipsa) in different national and international cultural contextsb) related to transparency and trust
Sub-theme 4: Multi-disciplinary perspectives on strategic communication in a multi-cultural contexta) from a critical sociological perspectiveb) from a critical applied psychological perspectivec) from a critical philosophical perspectived) from inter-disciplinary perspectives
Sub-theme 5: Practitioner perspectives on strategic communicationa) in organisational contextsb) in national and international cultural contexts
Sub-theme 5 will allow for the submission of applied practice papers.
If you wish to present a paper at the Conference, we ask you to provide us with a completed paper (max 25 pages A4, with 33 lines/page) Simply email the document (only in English) to 2006@euprera.org. The deadline for the early call is 15 April 2006. Every paper will be submitted to a two person double-blind reviewing process by representatives from EUPREA with one of the main criteria being the way the paper focuses on the key issues of the conference. The reviewing process is scheduled to end by 15 June 2006.
For the 11th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications: CMC 2006"Contemporary Issues in Corporate and Marketing Communications; Towards a Socially Responsible Future" 21-22nd April 2006
To be hosted by the Marketing Communication and Public Relations Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Globalization and newly emergent patterns of consumer behaviour and increased demands from all stakeholder groups create new challenges for the management of corporate and marketing communications. Now more then ever, theory and practice look for knowledge that understands the challenges posed by rapidly changing business environments and to deliver successful ways that contribute measurable results to the bottom line. How to conduct responsible and successful business is not a fad question but a matter of survival in highly competitive global markets.Increasingly, issues about responsible and ethical business are reflected in both academic and professional business world. Industry, commerce, public sector and non-profit organizations are aware of this question recognising their role in society and are increasingly likely to search for new strategies, methods, structures and tools in order to satisfy differential stakeholder demands and expectations. As established professional and academic disciplines, corporate and marketing communications have to provide relevant solutions for managers, consumers, students and communities on both practical and conceptual levels. In theory and practice, different questions are being raised with emergent responsibility issues in both communication domains.Deadlines Submission of papers: December 12th 2005
Notification of Acceptance: December 30th 2005
Receipt of conference Registration Form: January 20th 2006
For more information go to: http://euprera.eprn.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=152&PN=1&TPN=1
Sofia University: IX-th International conferenceThe UNESCO Chair "Communication and Public Relations" in the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University "St. Kliment hridski" is pleased to announce the IX-th International conference "The Image of the Balkans: historical aspects and communication perspectives", which is to be held on the 19th and 20th of May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The image of the Balkans is often related to most destructive interethnic and international processes. The concept of balkanization has already become widespread and is used with synonyms, such as "conflict", "disintegration", "war" and "tribalism".Our primary aim is to see how the negative image of the Balkans as "powder zone" and "clock-work bomb" has been constructed and what the basic actors for its establishment are. At the same time the Balkans are the cradle of the European civilization and the humanitarian traditions from the ancient and the most recent past are still kept alive. In the process of the European integration the Balkan countries are not only urged to reassess their common historical and cultural heritage but also to look for opportunities for better intercultural understanding.The papers may be focused on but are not restricted in the themes of the following possible sessions:
1. New approaches to the historical development of the Balkan countries2. Globalization and cultural identities in the Balkans3. Media and PR-contribution to the construction of the Balkan image4. Communication strategies for a better future of the Balkans in United Europe
We ask you to submit an abstract not longer than 500 words, including up to 5 key-words, full names of the author(s) with their affiliation and full contact information.The deadline for receiving the abstracts is 20th of January, 2006. They should be sent to the email address: petkovadp@yahoo.com.
The official languages of the conference will be English and Bulgarian. After it the papers will be published in a conference book.We are very sorry but due to the limited budgetary resources of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, we would not be in position to cover any travelling, accommodation and daily expenses of the participants. However, there will be no conference fee for participants with papers. We are able to organize your stay at a special rate of 46 Euros per night at the "Serdika" hotel close to the Faculty.We hope to have the pleasure to meet you in May 2006 in Bulgaria.
Yours sincerely:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Minka Zlateva, Chair holder, email: zlateva@mbox.contact.bgAssist. Prof. Dr. Diana Petkova: email: petkovadp@yahoo.com
Communicating Europe: Diversity, social cohesion and social integration in Europe and elsewhere: the contribution of public relations and social communication.The 2006 BledCom symposium invites full papers (a maximum of 25 pages) on any topic pertaining to public relations and communication management. Case studies are also encouragedThe topic of 2006 BledCom symposium is Communicating Europe: Diversity, social cohesion and social integration in Europe and elsewhere: the contribution of public relations and social communication. Of course in keeping with the international nature of BledCom symposia, sessions on any other topics of interest to our field will be scheduled. Therefore the symposia welcomes papers on topics that go beyond the parameters of these "theme sessions." BledCom will hold one or more special plenary session(s) and address these issues of diversity, social cohesion and social integration in Europe and paper sessions pertaining to any topic relevant to our field (depending on the papers submitted). Special - plenary sessions will focus particularly on the current situation in Europe, against such developments as the non-ratification of the EU constitutional treaty and the subsequent difficulties created for the "European project." Europe has been a diverse society in a variety of ways such as language and societal and cultural practices. The question of what it means to be European, for organizations and for individuals, has become even more complex and fluid owing to the increased in dynamism of European societies. Complexity and flux are intensified in the today's world outside of Europe also in many forms and at various levels. Basic assumptions and premises formerly guaranteeing a society's institutions rationality and legitimacy have lost their force. These have to be generated anew through discussion, which is where public relations has such an important role to play whether in Europe or any other part of the world.
All submissions must be sent no later that 1 February 2006 exclusively through the BledCom registration Website: http://www.bledcom.com/bledcom_2006/registration/. Author identification is not allowed on submissions to enable blind review. Only full papers can be submitted. The total length is 25 pages (up to 33 lines per page)Authors will be notified on the acceptance/rejection by 15 March 2006. Please find more information on the BledCom symposium on www.bledcom.com or contact us on: petra.mlakar@pristop.si.
EURAM European Academy of Management 2006Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norwaywww.bi.no 17-20 May 2006 www.euram2006.no
Track Title: Corporate Reputation/Image and Organizational CommunicationTrack Chairs: Associate Professor Peggy Simcic Brønn, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway; e-mail: peggy.bronn@bi.no.
Professor Cees van Riel, Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University)Professor Charles Fombrun, Professor Emeritus, The Stern School of Business (NYU) and Executive Director, Reputation Institute
This track is inviting papers that explore the constructs of image and reputation from the perspective of organizational communication. The purpose is to look inside the organization where reputations are created, therefore the track is less interested in papers dealing with reputation or image perceptions or with communicating, than in papers that explore the processes that create the basis for success, which is often measured by image or reputation rankings. Of particular interest is the organization and integration of reputation and communication responsibilities within organizations, both within product branded firms and firms with a monolithic identity.
Papers are invited from both practitioners and management researchers. Submissions may be purely theoretical or based on empirical research. We welcome submissions that critically evaluate the currency of theory to inform business practice. Research strategies could include: analytical case studies, industry analyses, human communication interaction studies and ethnographic studies. Of particular interest are papers that:
Utilise multi-disciplinary perspectives;
Explicitly consider value in terms of managerial value, societal value, cultural value, customer value, and stakeholder value
Broad areas:
Challenges of branded companies the strengths and weaknesses of the branded versus monolithic identity when branding the organization
Organizational theory perspectives from a communications viewpoint
Communication structures designing the communicating organization
Integrating communication exploring the basis for cooperation between communication functions; is total integration possible, what are factors that are associated with integration efforts
Are highly ranked firms more integrated in their communication efforts?
Communication management one function or the function of all?
The communication manager as orchestra leader is the process manageable?
Managers as communicators evaluating communication skills as a performance indicator and link to building reputation
Linking communication and organizational success
Networking and relationship-building
Boundary spanning and boundary spanners, the concept of communication stars and their importance in building reputation
Is there such a thing as responsible communication -- perception of communication practices of successful firms
Systemic issues management approach as a method for avoiding crises that impact reputation
Creating the basis for a common purpose brand ambassador effect
Characteristics of firms that are more successful at serving their stakeholders
Dominant communication function of highly ranked firms
The impact of top leaders on reputation
The 5 best full paper submissions will be considered for inclusion in a special edition of Corporate Reputation Review.We seek full papers of publishable quality as well as papers in progress. EURAM 2006 will include traditional presentations, interactive sessions, and poster sessions. We invite authors to submit papers with an abstract of no more than 200 words and maximum 5 key words. Papers must be submitted in digital form (Microsoft Word .doc format). Submission by digital upload will begin on December 12, 2005 on the conference web site: www.euram2006.no. Be sure to note the desired track on the paper.The format and style guide will appear as a downloadable document in MS Word .doc format. Authors will be able to use the format guide as a template for submissions.All papers will be subject to double blind review.Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2006.EURAM 2006 will host 50 tracks covering a wide range of management topics. Topics will cover important research streams and lively emerging issues. In addition to the special tracks, we will arrange six general tracks: Strategy, Organization, Leadership and Management, Innovation, Marketing, and Public Management.We will repeat the highly successful Doctoral Colloquium just before the EURAM 2006 Conference. The deadline for submissions to the Doctoral Colloquium is February 13, 2006. All details appear on the EURAM 2006 web site.
Focus on Education in Europe
For this year's EUPRERA Jos Willems Award twenty five entries, from eleven different countries, went forward to the jury for final judging.Chaired by Sue Wolstenholme the hard working jury were: Inger Jensen, Els van Betsbrugge, Ronel Rensburg, Antonio Mendes Marques, Julia Raupp and Gerald Abramczyk. Among their comments about the entries were the following statements;"Some excellent examples of the trend away from simple PR/marketing functions towards a heavier concentration on PR as a management communication function providing incisive analysis of current problems facing the industry""(The EUPRERA Jos Willems Award) should be seen as one of the most prestigious awards in the world, therefore we must be very strict and thorough (and they were!)""The standard is steadily rising each year and it is always exciting to find so many new ways of looking at the subject"
While all of this is praise indeed the jury members are committed to making improvements and to ensuring that every student has the very best chance of winning. Several of their comments were taken into account at the Board meeting in Lisbon, where it was agreed that tutors putting forward their students work would be asked, in future, to help them wherever possible with the English, to be sure that the ideas are well communicated.The winners presented their work at the conference in Lisbon to great acclaim.Katherina Wolf, from Manchester Metropolitan University won the Masters level award with her thesis entitled: Influencing Factors on Career Advancement in Public Relations: A comparative investigation into career prospects for in-house and consultancy practitioners. Her tutor at Manchester was Mel PowellAlenka Jelen from the University of Ljubliana won the Bachelor's award with her study entitled: International comparison of study programmes in the field of communication studies and her tutor was Zlarko Jancic.Both papers can be read on the website together with two of the close runners up from each category. (Go to: http://euprera.eprn.org/show_news.asp?NewsID=148)
Runners up for the Bachelors award were: Catarina Labau and Monica Dias from Portugal with their work Crisis Communication Management and Shelley Armstrong from Leeds in the UK who wrote: A critical evaluation of how public relations is perceived and utilised within the Yorkshire legal sector and whether legal PR is carried out more effectively by in-house departments or by professional PR consultancies.The Masters' runners up were: Jane Goldsworthy from the University of Central Lancashire, in the UK with Power in the management of organisation and public relationships. Empowerment or manipulation? And Baiba Petersone, from Latvia, with her paper: The status of public relations in Latvia.
EUPRERA member Professor Georgios Piperopoulos, chairman of the department of Business Administration of the University of Macedonia, Salonica Greece was the chairperson for the FIRST roundtable discussion held in Edessa, home of the University's newly established department of Marketing and Operations management.Professor Piperopoulos gave the title "Using PR as a tool of sustainable growth for SME's in Northern Greece" to the roundtable in which the other 3 participants were: Ex-Minister of the Hellenic National Tourism Ministry and currently head of the business consultancy Skulas Associates,of Athens and heraklion Creta Mr Nikos Skoulas; Ms Antigoni Loumakou CEO for Omnia Advertising SA of Thessaloniki Greece and Mr Paul Papadopoulos a TV and radio journalist based in the city of Edessa, prefecture of Pella birthplace of Alexander the Great.The event which was attended by several hundred businessmen and students of the University of Macedonia was greeted by Greek Prime-Minister Mr Konstantine Karamanlis of the party of New Democracy, the Chairman of the major opposition party of PASOK Mr George papandreou. Present in the first roundtable were the Prefect of Pella Mr Sivenas, EU MP Mr Glavakis, several national MPs and Edessa Mayor Mr Sondras. The event was fully covered by TV, Radio and newspaper journalists
Scientific Awards for Students of Salzburg University's Programme of Public Relations and Corporate CommunicationOn November 7th, the Austrian Public Relations Association (PRVA) awarded for the 12th time excellent master and bachelor theses written at Austrian universities and colleges (?) in the field of public relations. The PRVA scientific committee rewarded four master theses, three bachelor theses and one innovative research project with a total amount of almost 4000 euro. The applicants of Salzburg University's Programme of Public Relations and Corporate Communication received six of the eight prizes in this nation-wide contest. The following presents an overview of the awarded research projects:
Master theses:
Liebhart, Cornelia (2004). Theoretical Approaches to Public Relations. Aspects of the More Recent Theoretical Discussion. University of Salzburg. 240 Pages.
Lichtblau, Theresa Klara (2004). Public Relations Strategies of International Corporations. Between Differentiation and Standardization. University of Salzburg. 254 Pages.
ex aequo: Holzmann, Barbara (2004). The Internet as an Instrument of Crises Public Relations and its Practice in the Austrian Public Relations Sector. University of Vienna. 209 Pages.ex aequo: Krepper, Thomas (2004). The Public Relations Dimension of Risk Communication. University of Salzburg. 248 Pages.
Bachelor theses:
Hufnagl, Agnes/ Egger, Regina (2004). The Job Profile of Austrian Press Attachés. University of Salzburg. 70 Pages.
Gärtner, Christina (2004). Town Partnerships of Austrian Towns. University of Salzburg. 71 Pages.
Petscharnig, Eva Maria (2004). The City of Klagenfurt and its Partnerships (with a Focus on Youth Projects). University of Salzburg. 50 Pages.
Special prize for innovative research project:
Franceschini, Helmut (2004). Development of a Balanced-Scorecard-Model for Implementing and Assessing Corporate Identity Strategy. College for Marketing and Sales. Vienna. 165 Pages.
Euprera New Members' News
Lund University was founded in 1668 and about 35.000 students are enrolled at the university in 2004. Media and Communication Studies in Lund was one of the first departments of it's kind in Sweden in the early 1970's. Today we offer optional courses for students from undergraduate to master level, and since 1991 we also have a doctoral programme. Media and Communication Studies or "MKV" (an abbreviation of Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap) as we prefer to call ourselves is a small department in terms of number of personnel (two professors, two assistant professors and two instructors) but large in terms of students (430/year).The courses offered have two complementary points of focus:
1.CommunicationCommunication processes are studied in many different settings. A particular emphasis here is on planned communication strategies by various societal actors who have specific goals they wish to achieve. This can for example involve spreading health- or safety-related information, political campaigns or corporate publicity. The emphasis is on understanding the factors which contribute to successful communication and information campaigns, in terms of media use, message formulation, audience pre-dispositions, and so forth. Courses given in this area are for instance a course in Corporate communication and a course in Public Relations.
2. Media as a social and cultural forcesHere the field is concerned with the media as social and cultural forces in society, from a sociological perspective. The emphasis is on the institutional factors behind media production, the character of the form and content of media output, and the consequences the media have for society, culture and the individual. We live in an increasingly mediated social environment; we daily encounter many kinds of media products. Moreover, the media are rapidly evolving, in terms of their output, their institutional organization and their technical capacities. The genres of media output evolve and new ones emerge. Traditional mass media are being complemented by the spread of interactive digital media. These developments contribute to altering the character of the society we live in and the cultural milieu in which we orient ourselves.
The undergraduate program strives to provide a broad anchoring in these perspectives and seeks to convey specific knowledge about both communication processes and about the media. As in other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, the courses in Media and Communication Studies aim to prepare the students for a wide array of future career paths; they are not aimed to be vocationally preparatory for any specific occupation.
The doctoral program prepares students to do independent scientific research in the field. This can be in an academic context, within the public sector, or in private industry. The program is small and entrance is competitive. The program requires four years of full time study or the equivalent; students must be in a financial position to pursue studies at least on a half-time basis. At present there are about a dozen active doctoral students, whose dissertation work covers many different topics within the field of Media and Communication.
The last two doctoral dissertations had the following titles Media & obesity: An analysis of weight written by Helena Sandberg (2004) and The formation of a Region. Source Strategies and Media Images of the Öresund Region by Jesper Falkheimer (2004).
Gunilla Jarlbro, PhD in Sociology, professor in Media and Communication Studies.
Since the early 1980's I have been working at the department of Media and Communications Studies. Beginning in 1995 I have been the director of studies at this department. One of my major research interest is in the field of health- and risk communication/journalism. Another central research field is within gender and media studies. At the present time I´m writing on a textbook on gender and media studies.
Helena Sandberg, PhD in Media and Communication Studies. Assistant professor in Media and Communication Studies
I have been working at the department of Media and Communication Studies since 1996. I teach among other things in organizational communication and strategic communication. My major research interest is in health communication and risk communication and my doctoral thesis from 2004 dealt with media's representation of overweight and obesity. The study was limited to media content in Swedish daily newspapers between 1997 and 2001. A few years ago I contributed to a Swedish reader in pr "Public relations in Swedish" edited by Larsåke Larsson (2002). I am also a member of the Nordic network, LOKE, for public relations researchers. The EUPRERA-conference 2007 will be hosted by Roskilde university and Lund university in the Öresund region. My colleagues and me welcome you all to Lund!
Lisbon, 7th December 2005 Over fifty European students came to Lisbon between the 7th and the 13th November, to attend the first international Public Relations students meeting in Portugal. The Congress was promoted by APERPEC (Portuguese Association for Public Relations and Communication Students) and joined representatives from more than ten European nationalities, who came to debate the importance of Social Responsibility (SR) for contemporary organizations with teachers and professionals form enterprises and communication agencies.The Superior School of Mass Communication and Media Arts, in Lisbon, was the stage of an intensive six-day debate, where members of PRIME the European network of PR Students' associations questioned the role of Public Relations in what concerns promoting socially responsible attitudes from organizations and discussed some good practices examples.
Having the chance to share some sessions with the EUPRERA congress, students could watch and hear testimonies and presentations from individualities related to the field, who demonstrated the rising importance of SR worldwide to the construction of a more democratic society.The Portuguese association points out that "the aim of this Congress was above all to give the students the possibility to share ideas and discuss points of view, benefiting from practical presentations, made by professionals of the sector".
Focus on Research
PR and democracyA research project about the Swedish PR industry has been completed. The project, financed by the Swedish National Bank Research Foundation, has run from 2001-2005, studying the PR sector's history/development, structure, activities and above all its roll in society and in democracy. The project has resulted in two volumes: Upplysning och propaganda /Information and propaganda/, and Opinionsmakarna, En studie om PR-konsulter, journalistik och demokrati /The Opinion Makers. A study of PR consultants, journalism and democrarcy/, published by Studentlitteratur. The books are in swedish, but the issue of PR and democracy is presented in English in the forthcoming edition of Public Relations - Critical Debates and Contemporary Practice (L'Etang & Pieczka / LEA). Prof. Larsσke Larsson at Örebro university has been responsible for the project.
The Swedish Public Relations Association presents two more papers from the research project "Business Effective Communication".The fourth paper: from a five year long project researching Business Effective Communication, conducted by the Swedish PR Association and Stockholm School of Economics. Title: The Role of the Communication Process in Relation to Financial ProcessesThe fifth paper: from a five year long project researching Business Effective Communication, conducted by the Swedish PR Association and Stockholm School of Economics. Title: The Role of the Communicator Executive as a Leader in Network Organisations
To view these papers please go to: http://euprera.eprn.org/show_news.asp?NewsID=150
Focus on New books by EUPRERA members
A new book from the members of the GREC/O, Research Group in Organizational Communication, in FRENCH:
GREC/O, (Ed. Valérie CARAYOL), "Vivre l'urgence dans les organisations", Editions l'Harmattan, PARIS, 2005, 157 p.
For more information please contact:Valérie CARAYOLGREC/O, Groupe de Recherche en Communication des OrganisationsMSHAEsplanade des Antilles33607 PESSAC cedex - FRANCEValerie.carayol@u-bordeaux3.fr
Critical Debates and Contemporary ProblemsEdited by Jacquie L'Etang and Magda Pieczka,Stirling Media Research Institute, University of Stirling, ScotlandJan 2006 400pp0-8058-4617-4 Hardback £135.000-8058-4618-2 Paperback £34.95
This new text for students and practitioners in Public Relations has been built on the acclaimed Critical Perspectives in Public Relations which is no longer in print. Some important chapters from the earlier book, also edited by L'Etang and Pieczka, have been incorporated and expanded. Some of the liveliest minds on the public relations scene have contributed fresh ideas and diverse perspectives: their locations on the margins, either geographically or intellectually, or both, allowed them to present a variety of compelling critiques. Contributors from Germany, Sweden, Spain, and Scotland join those from New Zealand and Australia in providing historical and political perspectives. Topics such as propaganda, religion, publics, expertise, transparency, and discourse are tackled in new and imaginative ways.The book challenges conventions but also provides essential empirical detail and careful argument. Practical relevance is also present through interdisciplinary discussion of public relations problems in sport, health, science, tourism, and documentary film. This important volume will stimulate debate about the boundaries, definitions, functions, and effects of public relations.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Please notice that we are still completely re-designing the website in the background to enable better member-only collaboration and functionality.
Thank you for your news and information items. Don't forget to send your news in to be posted on the EUPRERA site and also for inclusion in the e-newsletter! All contributions are welcome&
Best wishes for 2006!
Julia Jahansoozi
Email: JJahansoozi@uclan.ac.uk