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Euprera: la newsletter di Dicembre


Scopri tutte le novità da Euprera su: conferenze, call for papers, ricerca ed educazione. La nuova scadenza per l'invio dei paper per il congresso Euprera 2008 è posticipata al 31 gennaio.

This issue of Euprera's e-news supports the very idea of Euprera as an innovative and networking organisation in public relations research and education. Activities are developing within Euprera and around members at their home institutions. There is a growing interest to become a member of Euprera.
At the General Assembly in March the board will suggest a new structure of the organisation to adjust to our strategy.
The Spring Symposium will address the perspectives of social media.
The theme of the Annual Congress in October in Milan is "Institutionalising Public Relations and Corporate Communication".
The first Euprera PhD-seminar held in Roskilde was rewarding to all participants. The next will be organised in connection with the October congress in Milan.
I would ask all members to pay attention to the calls for papers in this issue. Members are also encouraged to indicate their interest in the various projects in Euprera.
I wish to thank you all for your contribution in 2007 and send you my season's greetings and best wishes for 2008! 
Inger Jensen
President EUPRERA
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