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100 teste si confrontano sui social media
Oltre 100 professionisti del mondo della comunicazione, del giornalismo, del business e delle relazioni pubbliche si sono riuniti a Washington presso la Georgetown University in occasione del 3° Edelman Academic Summit sui new media per discutere di come le aziende, le organizzazioni e i media si relazionano in maniera efficace con i propri stakeholder attraverso i social media.
Dalla prefazione del documento finale Engaging the New Influencers:
“Edelman convened more than 100 professors of communications, journalism, business and public relations from across North America and Europe to discuss how companies, organizations and media effectively engage their stakeholders through social media.
The sessions were led by more than 50 practitioners who guide digital communications strategies within leading organizations – including AstraZeneca, CNN, eBay, Environmental Defense Fund, GE, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Starbucks, The Lance Armstrong Foundation, UPS, and Whirlpool, among others.
This report provides best practices and actionable insights into how to engage employees, consumers, investors, regulators and media”.
Leggi qui il documento finale “Engaging the New Influencers”.
Per maggiori informazioni sull’evento, inclusi i webcasts delle sessioni plenarie: www.newmediaacademicsummit.com/Summit09/agenda.asp