Ferpi > News > Dopo le accuse di sovrafatturazione al Comune di Los Angeles di un'agenzia di Rp, ecco il collegio d

Dopo le accuse di sovrafatturazione al Comune di Los Angeles di un'agenzia di Rp, ecco il collegio d


Diverse settimane dopo lo scandalo pubblico che ha coinvolto la Fleishman Hillard, una delle prime dieci agenzie mondiale di relazioni pubbliche, accusata di avere fatturato in eccesso il suo ex cliente il Comune di Los Angeles, il Collegio dei Probiviri della Ferpi americana ha preso posizione ufficiale. Eccola.

TO: Members of the Public Relations Society of AmericaFROM: Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (BEPS)All PRSA members pledge adherence to the Society's Member Code of Ethics.As issues arise relating to the practice of public relations, BEPS is charged with providing guidance on such issues within the framework of the Code provisions. To provide that guidance, we continue this series of professional standards advisories. The PRSA Member Code of Ethics may be found online at www.prsa.org.PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS ADVISORY PS-2 (JULY 2004)ISSUE: Overstating charges and/or compensation, financial or otherwise, for actual work performed by a public relations professional.BACKGROUND: At a time when a number of questionable business practices have been exposed, honesty, fairness and ethical leadership are mandates for public relations professionals and the companies they represent. The practice of claiming compensation or credit for work that was never performed is unethical and weakens the public's trust in the public relations profession and individual practitioners. Additionally, such practices may be in violation of contractual obligations and may be even found to be illegal.RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE PRSA CODE: At least one Code provision and two professional values relate to this issue. They include:Code ProvisionEnhancing The Profession. Public relations professionals work constantly to strengthen the public's trust in the profession. We have an ethical obligation to refrain from business conduct that is in opposition to this code and denigrates the public's trust in the profession.Professional ValuesHonesty. We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public.Fairness. We deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media and the general public.Recommended Best PracticePRSA members pledge to adhere to a rigid code of conduct and the highest standards of professional integrity and responsibility. Members and the companies that they represent, including public relations agencies and independent public relations consultants, must bill clients only for services they perform and for expenses they incur on behalf of clients.
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