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Branding a profession

Se definire il campo di azione di un medico o di un avvocato è piuttosto semplice. Lo stesso non si può dire per il relatore pubblico. Per spiegare l'area di interesse professionale di chi si occupa di rp non è sufficiente una sola definizione. Lo afferma Del Galloway (nella foto), presidente 2004 della Public Relations Society of America, in un articolo comparso su Brand Week. È un interessante pezzo di riflessione sulla professione che tra l'altro si chiude con qualche proposito per l'anno nuovo ("A goal of the Public Relations Society of America this year is to continue to demystify the profession and our professional brand"). Ve ne proponiamo la parte iniziale, ma il consiglio è quello di leggere la versione integrale. Top of Mind - PR's Quandary: Branding a ProfessionThose of us in the public relations profession know first hand how hard it is to explain to the uninitiated in concise, clear terms what exactly we do for a living. The dictionary definition, "the efforts of a corporation to promote good will between itself and the public" simply does not cut it. To begin, many of us don't work for corporations. And, among ourselves we already debate interminably what the word "public" includes. As for the precise meaning of the term "good will," don't even get me started. (...) The definition I most often use is that we work to create harmony between all stakeholders of an institution—the various publics—if you will. But that takes more explanation. Our job is to nurture the relationships between a company, its customers, its stockholders, its community and its government. Our job is: to educate the public about causes and prevention of illness and disease; cultivate and support a free and open society by serving as credible, reliable resources for the media and others who disseminate information to the public; enhance brands visually and verbally and by action... Per leggere tutto l'articolo: Brandweek.com - Top of Mind
Gennaio 2025
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