Ferpi > News > The state of the future: riflessioni di inizio anno sulla nostra comunità globale

The state of the future: riflessioni di inizio anno sulla nostra comunità globale

Da Newcommblogzine, "The state of the future on our global Community" di Elizabeth Albrycht: una riflessione (in lingua inglese) a partire dal rapporto del Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University che tocca molti temi cari ai relatori pubblici...Da leggere:http://www.newcommblogzine.com/?p=347Un piccolo assaggio sui temi trattati:Each year the report comments on 15 Global Challenges for Humanity, identified by the think tank's several hundred futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers from around the world. The challenges of most interest to the communications community include:- How can genuine democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes?- How can the global convergence of information and communications technologies work for everyone?- How can the capacity to decide be improved as the nature of work and institutions change?- How can ethical considerations become more routinely incorporated into global decisions?[...]
Gennaio 2025
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