Ferpi > News > Ottimi i risultati della Global Alliance: ecco il rapporto di fine anno del presidente

Ottimi i risultati della Global Alliance: ecco il rapporto di fine anno del presidente

Chairman's report- December 2004We have accomplished a great deal together!
A great deal of progress has been made since the GA was formally established. During the last few years we have worked together to transform a dream into a reality. Our collective efforts in this collaboration have accomplished much.
Currently, 57 national and non-national public relations associations representing more than 150,000 public relations practitioners on every continent worldwide enjoy Global Alliance membership. Every month new associations are expressing interest in becoming part of the GA effort.  This month, we welcome the Bangladesh public relations Association. Meanwhile, the GA has already accomplished nearly all of the milestones it established so far, including the following:
- A three year strategic plan was adopted. It is a blueprint to guide our work for the next few years and beyond.http://www.globalpr.org/news/features/ga_strategy05-08.ppt
- New permanent committees were established based on our new priorities.
- A first world standard – a protocol for codes of ethics- was adopted and is being ratified by all members is with a deadline of December 2006 for ratification. We are now exploring standards in accreditation, curriculum standards and body of knowledge.
- The Global Alliance web site was upgraded and re-launched : http://www.globalpr.org.
- PR Landscapes- a series of profiles on how PR is practiced around the world has been launched with more profiles coming on stream shortly.  http://www.globalpr.org/knowledge/landscapes.asp
- We have conducted and released an extensive three-country regulation study. Our sincere thanks to Edelman Public Relations for their financial contribution to this project.
- Newsletters are prepared and distributed to all GA members quarterly and more often, if needed. http://www.globalpr.org/news_nov04.htm
- Member rates for seminars, conferences, and materials are offered reciprocally to the members of every GA association.
- An official secretariat was established for the GA at PRISA headquarters in the person of Susan Richardson.
- All continents now have representation on the GA executive board.
- Several invitations to host GA meetings have been received. The AGM for 2005 will be held in connection with the 2nd World Public Relations festival in Trieste Italy June 28-30. India will host the executive/regional council in December 2005 in New Delhi, Brazil will host the full council and AGM in 2006 and South Africa in 2007.
- And, perhaps most important, we are developing mutual understanding and building collaborative working relationships for the good of the profession and the professional. For the first time, our profession has a place where we can learn from each other allow debate on a global scale and consolidate our position as the voice of the profession.
It has been inspiring to see the dedication of so many individual representatives who have contributed to the realization of this ideal.  My thanks to all volunteers and staff from around the globe who have given life to the GA vision of "one profession-one voice".
Gennaio 2025
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