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Cerp students diventa Prime

PRIME - Your Way into PR & Communication!CERP Students, l'Associazione europea degli studenti di relazioni pubbliche, annuncia ufficialmente il cambio di nome in PRIME e diventa la prima Associazione europea indipendente di studenti di relazioni pubbliche e comunicazione. Il cambio è stato inaugurato e festeggiato nell'ultimo congresso autunnale svoltosi a Lubjana dal 27 settembre al 2 ottobre.Ecco il comunicato stampa:CERP Students to become PRIMEEurope's first Independent PR and Communication Students Association, CERP Students - The European Association of Public Relation Students (part of the European Confederation of Public Relations) has announced it will change its name into PRIME and will become Europe's first independent Public Relations & Communications Students Association. The announcement was celebrated at its 15th anniversary congress, held in Slovenia (Ljubljiana, 27 september - 2 october), which marks the beginning of the new PRIME.The change is explained by a need to reinforce the European positioning of the organisation and to prepare it for new challenges. The impacts of the recent European enlargement to the PR Industry or the Bologna treaties that will change PR education across Europe are some of the most important topics in PRIME's agenda.According to PRIME's president, Irina Angelescu, "PRIME will rightly claim a voice in the PR world as it represents the interests of Public Relations students and young professionals across Europe. We will continue to cooperate with other professional and academic associations and will have an even more active role in the development of Public Relations".PRIME also explained that stepping out of the European Confederation of Public Relations (CERP - Conféderation Europeene des Relations Publiques) has to do with the end of a cycle. As Dana Popp, former president of the Association, and current Treasurer, announced, "the relationship with CERP has been very fruitful and, since 1997, many projects were built together, but now it's time for us to follow our own way".PRIME's headquarters are in Bruxelles, Belgium, and the association has 16 member countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom). PRIME also has 9 contact countries (Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro, Spain, Ukraine).PRIME - The European Association of Public Relations & Communication Studentsinfo@prime-europe.org - general inquieriespr@prime-europe.org - media inquieriesEuropean website: http://www.prime-europe.org
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